Smart logistics with AI-controlled traffic lights during construction 


Parquery and WALTER AG ensure uninterrupted logistic operations for a Swiss corporation

In a nutshell: Optimized logistics on corporate premises with AI-powered traffic signals

Despite extensive construction on the premises of a Swiss corporation, ensuring smooth business operations is crucial. The limited space and the need for continuous truck deliveries during construction present significant challenges. Narrow access roads and the high volume of delivery and construction traffic can quickly lead to disruptions and compromise employee safety.

To tackle these issues, Parquery and WALTER AG Signaltechnik have jointly developed a system that optimizes logistics even during ongoing construction. This AI-controlled automatic traffic light system is designed to:

  • Coordinate delivery traffic,
  • Optimize logistics chains,
  • Prevent traffic jams and delays, and
  • Enhance safety.

With this state-of-the-art solution, the corporation can maintain efficient operations and a safe environment for all on-site personnel.

Smart loading ramp monitoring for delivery staging and optimized logistics with Parquery and WALTER AG Signaltechnik


The Need

Seamless, optimized, and safe logistics during construction require careful planning, particularly in a confined environment. Despite the limited space, uninterrupted truck deliveries must continue while keeping operations running smoothly.




  • Tight spaces - Limited space for maneuvering and waiting 
  • Dense vehicle traffic - Numerous deliveries in a short timeframe
  • Operational disruptions - Traffic jams and delays can affect both the construction process and regular business operations
  • Security concerns - Blocking emergency exits or escape routes, and confusing situations can lead to accidents.

The delivery ramps, positioned at the back of the building, are accessible only through a narrow one-way road. This road is not only used by delivery trucks but also:

  • Doubles as a route for internal logistics, frequently used by forklifts traveling the other direction, and
  • Acts as an emergency exit route for nearby buildings,

To prevent trucks from congesting this vital pathway while awaiting access to the ramps, a designated waiting area is required. An automatically controlled light signal should direct the vehicle traffic, ensuring that transport and escape routes remain clear. This system ensures that operations proceed safely and efficiently, despite the logistical challenges.

Optimized logistics with Parquery and WALTER AG Signaltechnik


The Solution


AI-driven traffic light to orchestrate logistics

  • Economical tailored solution that can be implemented swiftly 
  • Cameras and AI monitor loading ramp occupancy
  • Traffic signal is actuated once a loading ramp becomes vacant or occupied


WALTER AG Signaltechnik and Parquery AG have jointly developed a flexible parking and delivery ramp management system that combines Artificial Intelligence (AI) and modern signaling technology. 

Cameras monitor the delivery ramps, and Parquery’s AI processes these images to determine ramp occupancy and truck positions in real-time. Based on this occupancy data, the system automatically actuates a light signal to manage truck traffic within the premises. 

If all loading bays are occupied, the light remains red, keeping trucks in the waiting area. Once a bay becomes free, the signal turns yellow, allowing the next truck to proceed.

Additionally, operators can override the system with a remote control, switching the lights to red if the single-lane road needs to be cleared for traffic moving in the opposite direction.

What's Parquery's AI?


Schema: Trucks arrive at the waiting zone, where a traffic signal indiciates when they can proceed around the building to the loading ramps which are monitored by cameras and AI.



How it works


  • Cameras monitor delivery ramps
    Real-time monitoring of loading bay occupancy, which is then used to automatically control the traffic lights.
  • Waiting areas with light signal
    Arriving trucks are held back in a waiting area. An AI-controlled light signal indicates when a ramp becomes available, allowing the vehicle to enter.
  • Remote controls
    Operators can manually control the traffic light, e.g. to let a forklift pass, ensuring smooth operations and quick responses to unforeseen events.
  • Local installation, remotely monitored
    Data processing is carried out locally on a compact server. At the same time, the system is remotely monitored and maintained. 
  • Flexible, modular, expandable
    The system can be adapted to individual needs and can also be rented


The traffic signal controller receives the data via Parquery's API and actuates the light.


WALTER AG Signaltechnik

Over half a century in the service of road safety and road traffic information

WALTER AG Signaltechnik has been improving safety on Swiss roads for more than 55 years. The family-owned company develops bespoke solutions for all traffic applications - from private roads to federal highways.

The product portfolio includes static traffic signage, barrier systems, traffic light systems, (mechanical) Variable Message Signs (VMS), LED-based signaling technology and a wide range of accessories. WALTER AG Signaltechnik relies on consistent quality assurance and strives for optimal solutions that extend over the entire life cycle of the products.

WALTER AG Signaltechnik is renowned for its high level of in-house value creation, exemplified by control systems developed in-house. In combination with many years of specialist know-how and cooperation with quality-oriented partners, WALTER AG Signaltechnik guarantees products and services that meet the highest standards.


Modular expandable and flexibly adjustable


A standout feature of this project is its modular design. Beyond the core functions, various extensions can be implemented, including:

  • Visualizations - Real-time display of parking lot and ramp occupancy provide clear, instant insights into space availability.
  • Statistics and reports - Dwell times, peak times, turnover figures and times, etc can be easily analyzed.
  • More remote controls - For greater flexibility and more operators.
  • Expanding ramp spaces - Adding more ramps for higher capacity.
  • Integrating barriers and bollards - For enhanced access control.
  • Further customizations - Tailoring the system to meet the unique requirements and conditions of each business.

This modular and flexible approach ensures that the system can evolve with the customer's needs, offering a customized solution that grows alongside operational demands.

Our Dashboard


A Strong Partnership: Parquery and WALTER AG Signaltechnik

The successful implementation of this project is the result of the partnership and close collaboration between Parquery and WALTER AG Signaltechnik. By merging Parquery's expertise in AI-powered image analysis with WALTER AG's extensive experience in signaling technology, they developed a solution that is both innovative and practical.

Together with Parquery, we implemented a flexible solution for the customer in the shortest possible time.

Fabian Walter, WALTER AG Signaltechnik


Conclusion & Customer Benefits

The intelligent parking and ramp management system optimizes logistics on the premises even during construction through the use of AI and modern signaling technology. It not only ensures the efficient handling of truck deliveries but also enhances safety and streamlines operational processes. With its modular and flexible structure, the system is well equipped to adapt to future requirements.

  • Uninterrupted operation
    Regular business activities will not be affected by the construction site.
  • Coordinated delivery traffic and optimal ramp utilization
    Intelligent traffic control prevents vehicles from waiting on the narrow road. It ensures that as soon as a ramp becomes available, the next vehicle can move immediately, minimizing downtime.
  • Increased security
    Clear traffic routing reduces the risk of accidents and protects employees and suppliers.
  • Cost savings
    More efficient logistics can reduce costs and increase productivity.
  • Flexible, modular, expandable
    The system is adaptive and can meet changing conditions, making it suitable for future projects and evolving needs.

Note: Photos and graphics are included for illustration purposes only. Due to contractual agreements, we cannot disclose the company name or display original photos.

Get in touch

Would you like to use, resell our solution in your market or integrate it into your traffic or smart city platform? Call or email us and let's discuss the details. We work directly with end customers and via resellers.

Parquery is based in Zurich, Switzerland

Our main office is located in Geerenweg 2, CH-8048 Zurich, Switzerland

   parking [at]
   +41 44 501 39 19 (8:30am - 5:30pm CET)

Upon receiving your request, we will get back to you shortly.


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